When should I see a dentist for a toothache?The most common cause of toothaches is cavities, but pain can be caused by many other more serious dental issues as well. Gum disease, impacted teeth, and
are just a few other conditions that could be causing toothache symptoms.
Some dental issues progress quickly and therefore you should see a dentist as soon as you experience dental pain, even if it's minor. The sooner the problem is addressed, the more likely you are to keep the problem from escalating into a more serious, often more costly, dental problem.
Do I need my wisdom teeth extracted?
Not everyone needs their wisdom teeth removed. If properly aligned, the wisdom teeth can be very helpful to maintaining a healthy mouth. It's when they become misaligned or impacted that they require removal.
Misaligned wisdom teeth can cause damage to adjacent teeth, the jawbone, and nerves. If you're experiencing pain, see a dentist right away.
What is a root canal and is it painful?
A root canal is a treatment used to repair a badly-damaged tooth or a tooth that is decayed and would otherwise have to be removed.
A root canal procedure is necessary when the nerve in the tooth has become inflamed and damaged beyond the point where it can heal itself or when infection or abscess is present. Some signs you may need a root canal include a severe toothache when chewing, prolonged sensitivity to heat/cold, discoloration (darkening) of the tooth, swelling and tenderness in the gums nearby, and a consistent and reoccurring pimple on the gums.
Most people cringe at the mention of root canals, but the procedure doesn't have to be painful. As a general and family dentist in the St Louis area, Dr. Breckner has the experience to painlessly perform root canal therapy.
When indicated, antibiotics are prescribed to decrease or eliminate post-operative swelling and pain. After the root canal completion, most teeth will require crowning or capping to seal and protect the root canal and restore the tooth back to ideal strength and cosmetics.
What is TMJ?
actually refers to the temporomandibular joint, which can result in TMD or temporomandibular disorder, a serious issue that is the result of improper alignment of the joints, teeth and jaw muscles.
For some, TMJ pain is debilitating and can cause life-altering changes, such as missing work and even depression. For most, TMD is a painful annoyance that can be corrected with the right treatment.
Symptoms of TMD include jaw pain and/or swelling of the jaw muscles, headaches, earaches when no infection is detected, neck pain, swelling on the side of the face, clicking or popping when mouth opens or closes, difficulty opening or closing the mouth or chewing, and stiffness or "locking" of the mouth/jaw.
If you feel like you're experiencing tooth and jaw pain that needs immediate attention, contact us now. Emergency services are available.
How does professional teeth-whitening differ from over-the-counter whitening products?
Professional teeth whitening has a higher concentration of the tooth whitening chemical that improves the color of the teeth.
To use the stronger whitening agent used in professional whitening, it is mandatory that custom-made whitening trays are fabricated to target the whitening agent only to the tooth and away from the gum tissue so as not to cause gum irritation. This technique is called take-home professional tooth whitening because the patient is trained on how to apply the whitening agent at home.
An alternative tooth whitening method is called in-office whitening. With this method, an even higher concentration of tooth whitening agent is used and requires professional application to prevent gum irritation.
The advantage to this method is that it can be accomplished in one office visit. Dr. Breckner also supplies his patients with whitening trays so they can maintain the whiteness and luster of the teeth as needed on a periodic basis. This eliminates the need for subsequent in-office treatments, thus making it very cost effective.
Why is teeth grinding harmful?
Teeth grinding can not only damage or fracture your teeth, but it can also cause painful symptoms that can result in more significant medical issues. For example, chronic teeth grinding can cause jaw problems, hearing loss, migraines,
TMJ pain, earaches and chronic facial pain.
Many people grind their teeth as a result of stress, anxiety, abnormal alignment of the upper and lower teeth (malocclusion), or sleep problems. Dr. Breckner can help alleviate symptoms caused by teeth grinding by diagnosing the causative factors that are involved and then correcting or eliminating these factors.